The Lord is Our Shepherd: We Lack Nothing We Need


Our previous Newsletter detailed the meaning of the term `shepherd` and how it relates to Jesus Christ, the Shepherd, and Bishop of our Souls (1Pet 2:25). In this Week´s edition, the question of why many believers lack what they need is presented.

Lacking Nothing

Believers´ confession that they lack nothing is based on the premise that God is the source of our needs and that because of His love for us, He would continually supply our basic needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus (Php 4:19). God mentions that silver and gold are His (Hag 2: 8). In simple terms, God being the Father of believers knows how to take care of His children. With this knowledge, David writes “The LORD is the one who is shepherding me; I lack nothing” (Psa 23: 1, ISV). The Lord God demands only our full obedience and action. Because of God believers do not lack love, security, peace, and joy, among others.

Why Believers Lack

In most cases, Christians have failed to clearly define themselves. Their self -identities are blurred to them so they do not know what they represent. They fail to recognize their distinct characteristics that make them unique persons. Strengthening one´s knowledge about himself/herself is a recipe for earning a daily living. People should be able to tell and show what and who they are so that they could be called upon for their refreshing and well-endowed gifts and abilities. To comprehend who you really are, you may ask yourself the following questions:

  • What am I known for?
  • What do I represent?
  • What is/are my content (s) or deposit (s)?

David knew who he was when he told himself that he was physically strong and handsome (Psa 139:14, 1Sam 17:32-37). He knew how he could chase out lions and kill them. He knew that by virtue of his strength, he can defeat Goliath and he did it. Other people underestimated his ability but because he knew himself, he insisted on his capabilities and proved himself a mighty man of valor (1Sam 17:1-58). Knowing who you are and having a clear vision is a key to providing you with your needs because it would make you more productive.


The Lord God has promised His children His continual support and provision of daily needs but these do not automatically come from nowhere. We are supposed to play a part by believing in God absolutely and by discovering those abilities He has deposited in us, and making use of them for our advantage.

Prayer: Holy and Faithful Father, we thank you for always supplying us with our needs daily. We ask that you guide us to identify ourselves; our gifts and abilities so as to maximize them for your glory. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen!